Pasadena 2N
39° 08' 31"N, 76° 30' 27"W, Elevation 43 feet
Pasadena, MD USA


Saturday, July 27, 2024
9:10 AM (Eastern Daylight Time)
Updated every 10 minutes
Dew Point66.1°F (18.9°C)
WindN 3 G 8 mph
Heat Index75°F
Barometer30.119" (1020.0 mb)
Solar49 W/m2
Rainfall0.00" (0.00"/hr)


Today's Highs and Lows
Temperature 74.5°F 9:09 AM
62.0°F 6:17 AM
Dew Point 66.7°F 8:48 AM
60.3°F 6:19 AM
Humidity 96% 7:17 AM
75% 9:09 AM
Wind Gust W 8 mph 8:31 AM
WSW 0 mph 12:00 AM
Wind Speed NE 4 mph 9:05 AM
WSW 0 mph 12:00 AM
Precipitation Max 0.00"1 12:00 AM
Last 24 hours 0.00"
Storm total 0.00"
Evapotranspiration 0.002"
Barometer 30.123" 8:31 AM
30.065" 4:19 AM
Wind Chill Gust Min 62°F 6:17 AM
Wind Chill Avg Min 62°F 6:17 AM
Heat Index Max 75°F 8:47 AM
Sunshine Max 49 W/m2 9:03 AM
1. Instantaneous rainfall rate.

Today - Extra Sensors
  Current High, Low
6" Soil Temp 77°F 81° 12:00 AM
77° 7:24 AM

Increasing clouds with little temperature change. Precipitation possible within 24 to 48 hours.

Number of Days
For July For 2024
Rain: 12
Snow: 0
Heavy Fog: 0
Thunder: 0
High ≥ 90°F: 14
Low ≤ 32°F: 0
High ≤ 32°F: 0
Low ≤ 0°F: 0
Cloudy: 0
Partly Cloudy: 0
Clear: 0
Rain: 88
Snow: 3
Heavy Fog: 0
Thunder: 0
High ≥ 90°F: 28
Low ≤ 32°F: 44
High ≤ 32°F: 5
Low ≤ 0°F: 0
Cloudy: 0
Partly Cloudy: 0
Clear: 0
Date of last rainfall: July 25, 2024 (2 days)

Observed Conditions
Precipitation types none
Snowfall today 0.0 inches
Snow on the ground 0 inches
Snowfall this season 0.0 inches
Degree Days
  Today Month Season
Heating - Base 65°F 0 0 0
Cooling - Base 65°F 4 436 950
Wind Run
Today 2.2 miles
This month 1045.4 miles
This year 10514.1 miles

Sun, Moon
Twilight begins 5:43 AM
Sunrise 6:04 AM
Sunset 8:20 PM
Twilight ends 8:41 PM
Moonrise 12:01 AM
Moonset 1:14 PM
Sunshine Minutes (intensity ≥ 120 W/m2)
Today 0
This Month 12,971
This Year 72,847
Yesterday 574
One Year Ago 481

Yesterday July 26, 2024
  Maximum, Minimum Mean/Total
Temperature 86.1°F 5:00 PM
66.9°F 11:57 PM
Dew Point 71.2°F 12:00 AM
60.8°F 9:35 AM
Humidity 97% 2:07 AM
47% 5:03 PM
Wind Gust NNE 14 mph 5:11 AM
ENE 0 mph 12:00 AM
1.4 26°
Wind Speed N 7 mph 10:42 AM
ENE 0 mph 12:00 AM
Barometer 30.148" 10:20 AM
30.048" 5:42 PM
Wind Chill Gust Min 67°F 11:57 PM
Wind Chill Avg Min 67°F 11:57 PM
Heat Index Max 89°F 4:59 PM
Sunshine Max 1072 W/m2 1:39 PM 223.9
Degree Days Heating (Base 65°F): 0
Cooling (Base 65°F): 12
Precipitation   0.00"
Evapotranspiration   0.153"
Precipitation Types none
Snowfall 0.0"
Snowcover 0"

Monthly and Yearly Statistics
Maximum, Minimum, Mean/Total
Maximum, Minimum, Mean/Total
Temperature °F 100.6° on Jul 15 3:45 PM
62.0° on Jul 27 6:17 AM
Mean 80.8°
100.6° on Jul 15 3:45 PM
8.3° on Jan 17 4:01 AM
Mean 58.2°
Dew Point °F 84.7° on Jul 5 2:08 PM
56.0° on Jul 1 4:53 AM
Mean 72.7°
84.7° on Jul 5 2:08 PM
3.9° on Jan 17 4:01 AM
Mean 49.5°
Humidity 99% on Jul 23 7:02 AM
40% on Jul 2 2:38 PM
Mean 79.1%
99% on Jan 26 8:15 AM
23% on Mar 20 3:07 PM
Mean 75.8%
Wind Gust (mph) WSW 31 on Jul 16 9:51 PM
WSW 0 on Jul 1 12:00 AM
Mean 109° 1.7
W 36 on Feb 28 8:50 PM
SE 0 on Jan 1 12:00 AM
Mean 185° 2.1
Wind Speed SW 14 on Jul 16 9:47 PM
NNE 0 on Jul 1 11:32 PM
WSW 18 on Feb 28 8:51 PM
SSE 0 on Jan 1 12:00 AM
Barometer 30.237" on Jul 2 10:32 AM
29.697" on Jul 10 6:15 PM
Mean 29.969"
30.634" on Jan 22 10:08 AM
29.062" on Jan 9 11:46 PM
Mean 29.963"
Precipitation Total 1.32" Total 21.46"
Evapotranspiration Total 3.611" Total 17.636"
Wind Chill Gust °F Min 62° on Jul 27 6:17 AM Min -1° on Jan 17 4:25 AM
Wind Chill Avg °F Min 62° on Jul 27 6:17 AM Min 4° on Jan 17 7:51 AM
Heat Index °F Max 128° on Jul 16 2:07 PM Max 128° on Jul 16 2:07 PM
Sunshine (W/m2) Max 1260 on Jul 13 1:18 PM
Mean 193.9
Max 1260 on Jul 13 1:18 PM
Mean 128.3
Extremes are the first of multiple occurrences.

Monthly and Yearly Extra Sensors
Maximum, Minimum
Maximum, Minimum
6" Soil Temp 88° Jul 10 7:04 PM
74° Jul 2 11:06 AM
88° Jul 10 7:04 PM
36° Jan 22 12:09 PM

All-Time Records
  Maximum, Minimum
Temperature °F 106.3° on Jul 7, 2012 5:01 PM
-1.0° on Jan 7, 2018 7:25 AM
Dew Point °F 87.5° on Jul 22, 2011 12:18 PM
-13.4° on Feb 5, 2007 9:18 AM
Humidity 100% on Dec 13, 2006 8:29 PM
12% on Mar 2, 2007 2:03 PM
Wind Gust (mph) W 51 on Feb 26, 2011 2:58 PM
NNE 0 on Dec 24, 2005 3:00 PM
Wind Speed N 26 on Sep 1, 2006 7:41 PM
N 0 on Dec 24, 2005 3:00 PM
Barometer 30.869" on Feb 28, 2015 10:15 AM
28.470" on Oct 29, 2012 10:09 PM
Precipitation Max rate 82.29"/hr on May 7, 2013 7:35 PM
Evapotranspiration Max day 3.313" on Aug 24, 2007 10:00 PM
Wind Chill Gust °F Min -19° on Feb 15, 2015 7:51 AM
Wind Chill Avg °F Min -12° on Feb 15, 2015 7:53 AM
Heat Index °F Max 142° on Jul 22, 2011 4:50 PM
Sunshine (W/m2) Max 1332 on Jul 30, 2012 12:59 PM
Records begin 03/01/2020.
Extremes are the first of multiple occurrences.

Battery Status
Transmitters All OK
Console 4.71V


Data generated by WxSolution Version, Build 2020.02.16.